
Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Cool smoothie recipe with Fage Greek yogurt and frozen fruits. I usually add bananas for some sweetness but this time i will just use a tad bit of this new healthy juice from Tropicana. Use a few scoops of Fage Greek yogurt ( i use 2% you can use any you'd like), frozen fruits of your choice (packaged or frozen on your own), water or a healthy juice of your choosing.
 Tip: Peel bananas, cut and freeze in your favorite zip lock bag to use for smoothies. Bananas always add a special sweetness to your smoothie regardless of the other fruits you may choose to mix it with. 

Love to all. 
Libra Love j

P.S I'll do another blog on choosing good wines as you can see in the background i only drink Italian imported wines and Bolla is my wine of choice. Quality above all else... #knowyourwineselection

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