
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

End of the year TO DO LIST...

As you all may know we are approaching the end of the year. What first comes to mind is the Holiday season, however with this comes a lot of change and a walk toward more serious aspects of life. Preparation for the new year includes goals, success, and rigid dedication. Lets face it we are all looking forward to the fact that we can relax with our families, have a mini vacation, and indulge in glorious foods. But somewhere lingering in the back of our mind are thoughts like: What will be my new years resolution, Do i need a career change, OMG I'm going to be a year older soon! My best advice is that time waits on NO ONE! Start planning now. If there are important deadlines to meet start working on them. Create a list of all your goals and the steps you need to reach them. (and don't ignore this list and toss it to the side) Personally i would feel inadequate if i created any TO DO LIST that i knew i would never put to use. (even if its a grocery shopping list)
 As you are working toward your goals cross out each thing you did in effort toward it. I trust that each day you will feel a sense of accomplishment when you have a line marked through a task you've already met.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


My Friend sent me this today from an app she downloaded. I found it to be very true >>>

Librans accomplish things because they intellectually evaluate what needs to be done, then they charm others into cooperating to achieve the goal. By unselfishly sharing the success of their accomplishments with those who have assisted them, Librans nurture the cooperative efforts of others. They have to learn how to deal with confrontation. Their fear of hurting others and also of hostile situations can keep them from reaching their goals.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Is the Taurus man slow to commit?

You bet! Lets disregard the usual assumption that Taurus men are partners for life and that they are so committed. Forget everything you have heard about this man who wants nothing more than romance and a long steady relationship. The truth is Taurus men take their time with commitment. The claims that they are long lasting partners and in it for the long haul only comes after years of taking their sweet precious time to commit. Ive seen it with many of taureans. Long time spouses of friends, acquaintances and from personal experience. If you've ever heard the saying that men are like dogs, you have to train them; well you have indeed met a Taurus man. I say this because we already have the knowledge that taureans are stubborn, so getting this man to the alter is going to take a great deal of training and effort.  Take everything you've heard and put a big fat X on it. This is the man you shack up with for years before ever getting married. That is if you have the patience to wait around that long.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Saturn in libra

Saturn is now in Libra and upon reading about this exaltation i realized how much it has related to my very own life. ( My sun being in Libra as well as my ascendant)
This is a good link about saturn in libra and its influence. Saturn is in libra right now and it struck me because there has been a real emphasis currently in my life about working out relationships with people.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Sagitarian Man

What the heck is up with Sagittarius men. I mean are they just habitual cheaters or can they ever really settle down. Do you think they use they friend card as a means to get in a woman's pants because i sure do believe so. Well let me tell you ladies that unbreakable bond they claim to have with you is most likely shared amongst the many. Also this rule applies to all men if they cheated with you then they will most likely cheat on you. so ladies lets not be fooled by their ongoing complaints about their significant other ( which Sagittarians often tend to do) and wake up to the real situation. He will continue to have his primary relationship with you and his significant other as long as he manipulatively works it out that way. Hes so good at it that his girlfriend will believe him. Any questions?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Im back

its been a while i must admit but i will work on reconstructing this site very soon. Bare with me...