
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Review Of the Infamous V-Steam

As one with a curiosity in holistic and indigenous practices, I decided to try out the Ancient Traditional Method of Vaginal Steaming. It is believed to relieve cramps, infertility, stimulate and balance chi, and promote circulation. There is only one place on record (as I have researched) in NYC that offers this service called Juvenex spa in Korea Town. I took a trip today and was delighted by all the stores along the strip of 32st street with Korean delicacies. The Spa Employees were very personable and sweet to me. They directed me to my personal locker and gave me my robe and sandals. I was asked if I wanted to sit in the sauna for about 5 minutes prior to the V-Steam while awaiting the preparation of herbs.

The Juvenex Spa is lavishly decorated and set up in a cave- like location; a stone sauna and rock theme almost all around. Either way the atmosphere is tranquil and inviting. As I sat down on a wooden chair (Towels were there of Course) the steam hit me! I fidgeted around to get comfortable and adjust my V accordingly. However, I must say that it was too hot at first so they adjusted it for me. Upon the steam hitting my V, I felt a feeling of lightness from the abdominal region downward. It was relaxing and it took away the heavy pressure feeling many of us women have on our bladders after bearing children. A feeling of release and lightness indeed it was. My Spa host Joy spoke to me most of the time and even recommended where I can get good cucumber kimchi from. She was very delightful and friendly.
Moving Forward: I monitored how I felt throughout the day and I felt uplifted, light, and in touch with my femininity. I recommend this for women who are facing hormonal imbalances, premenstrual symptoms, and blocked sacral chakras.

Signing Out
Jamie D.

1 comment:

Gissy ✨ said...

Love cant wait to try lets go together asap!!