
Friday, April 8, 2011

The Sagitarian Man

What the heck is up with Sagittarius men. I mean are they just habitual cheaters or can they ever really settle down. Do you think they use they friend card as a means to get in a woman's pants because i sure do believe so. Well let me tell you ladies that unbreakable bond they claim to have with you is most likely shared amongst the many. Also this rule applies to all men if they cheated with you then they will most likely cheat on you. so ladies lets not be fooled by their ongoing complaints about their significant other ( which Sagittarians often tend to do) and wake up to the real situation. He will continue to have his primary relationship with you and his significant other as long as he manipulatively works it out that way. Hes so good at it that his girlfriend will believe him. Any questions?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Im back

its been a while i must admit but i will work on reconstructing this site very soon. Bare with me...